Disciplines: Art direction—copywriting—photography—content creation.

VOICE 102.5 The radio station of Athens Voice — Logo design.

BEING ESSENTIAL — Innovative learning experiences in collaboration with Harvard and other leading organizations. Disciplines: Logo design.

STUTTERHEIM. Stutterheim is the most iconic of all rainwear. Founded in Sweden in 2010 by Alexander Stutterheim, the brand redefined traditional raincoats by focusing on scandinavian minimalism, craftsmanship, and sleek aesthetics. Disciplines: Creative—art direction—copywriting—content creation. View work 2014-2021

Logomark design proposal for ALCHIMICA

SWEDISH POETRY. Fashion brand based on Öland, Sweden. Disciplines: Naming—identity design—www design—photography and product photography—copywriting. View more

PCC Construction company. Disciplines: Logo design

From 11/2023 to 7/2024 Spiros hosted "Best of both worlds" music radio show on Voice 102.5 FM radio in Athens, broadcasting Saturdays 20—22:00. Listen on Spotify

PSYCHOLOGY CENTER ATHENS — Disciplines: Brochure and www design

SHIGERU UMEBAYASHI — BEST KEPT SECRETS. Artwork and visuals for Japanese composer Shigeru Umebayashi and TheHubsters. View more

THE HUBSTERS. 2018. The Hubsters connects labels, brands & artists from all over the world with the Greek market. Disciplines: Logo—visual identity design. View more

GERMANOS. One of the largest electronic goods retailers in Greece. Disciplines: Art direction— digital design. Ongoing.

GERMANOS. One of the largest electronic goods retailers in Greece. Disciplines: Art direction— digital design. Ongoing.

WHITE SAND SUITES MYKONOS. Logo—identity design.

ELECTRONET. One of the leading electrical appliances retailers in Greece. Disciplines: Creative direction—copywriting—design. View more

Independent Organisation for the Cultural & Historical Preservation for the city of Drama. —Logo design.
Independent Organisation for the Cultural & Historical Preservation for the city of Drama. —Logo design.

BARKABAR Santorini. Logo—identity design.
STUTTERHEIM RAINCOATS —Stockholm charcoal raincoat, filmed on Öland, Sweden, January 2020

CYPRUS AIRWAYS. The flag carrier airline of Cyprus. Disciplines: Creative—art direction work 2010-2015. View more